All Star High School Basketball Replay Schedule

On Your Local Adelphia Channel

Friday, April 4                         Sat., April 5

7:00 p.m.    Girls, Div. 3-4                                          10:00 a.m.  Boys, Div. 1-2

8:30 p.m.    Girls, Div. 1-2                                          11:30 a.m.  Girls, Div. 1-2

10:00 p.m.  Girls, Div. 3-4                                          1:00 p.m.    Boys, Div. 3-4

11:30 p.m.  Girls, Div. 1-2                                        2:30 p.m.  Girls, Div. 3-4


8:00 p.m.    Girls, Div. 3-4                                           9:30 p.m.    Boys, Div. 3-4

Sunday, April 6                Monday, April 7

8:00 p.m.    Boys, Div. 3-4                                       7:00 p.m.    Boys, Div. 1-2

9:30 p.m.    Boys, Div. 1-2                                        8:30 p.m.    Boys, Div. 3-4

                                                                             10:00 p.m.  Girls, Div. 1-2

                                                                             11:30 p.m.  Girls, Div. 3-4

Thanks to the following for helping make these games successful:

Harry Ladue                                                         Bob Hingston

Judi Estes and her class                                        Lorraine Fredrickson

The VBCA Executive Board

Sponsorsed by:

Auto City                                      Farrell Distributing Corp.             Rawlings
Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream                  Garelick Farms                           Rental Express
Chittenden Bank                              Hemmings Motor News             USB Paine Webber
Cody Chevrolet                               Lamberton Electric                    Vermont Castings
Community National Bank                Mascoma Savings Bank             Vermont Mill Properties
Don Clark Plumbing and Heating      McGillicudy’s Pub                      Pepsi
Factory Point Bank                          Merchants Bank                        WDEV (Radio Vermont Group)

VT. State Board of Approved Basketball Officials (IAABO Board No. 105)

Thanks to the officials who donated their time and efforts:

Larry Ruffing

Dan Pause

Steve Ward

Bill Richardson

Randy Keating

Text Box: As most of you are aware, we lost a fine person this year when Christine Perry of Blue Mountain died in a car accident.  Christine was an all-star basketball player, a 1000-point scorer, and leader of a state title team.  She excelled in soccer, scoring over 100 goals.  She was active in music, a superior student, and a well-loved member of her community.  In short, Christine was the kind of person parents wanted their daughter to be, the player coaches hoped for, the teammate players wanted, and the friend students wished for.  For all those reasons, the Vermont Basketball Coaches’ Association wants to give $500 to her parents Michelle and Jay Sabin to add to the Christine Perry Memorial Scholarship Fund.  In addition, we present them with her 1000 Point Scoring Award.